New Zealand Stroke Education (charitable) Trust


The New Zealand charitable Stroke Education Trust (NZSET) offers a set of free, best-practice evidenced, internationally endorsed tutorials of general care and rehabilitation video procedures that can be used by individuals with stroke and/or their family members to improve their post-stroke recovery and reduce the chance of post-stroke complications. NZSET also offers a free, internationally endorsed and validated Stroke Riskometer app for primary and secondary stroke prevention.


Early signs of stroke

This video shows one of the most common signs of stroke that require urgent call to ambulance. Cortesy of the Kazakhstan Republican Coordination Centre for Stroke Problems. To hear the voice in other than Russian language we advise to use subtitles option with the language of your preference


Stroke is one of the most fearful, disabling and fatal diseases and one in four of us will have a stroke in our lifetime. However, stroke is highly preventable and up to 80% of all strokes could be avaioded if we know our risk factors for stroke and control them appropriately.


See testimonials on our stroke rehabilitation videos and Stroke Riskometer app from users and several world-recognised experts in stroke.
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Stroke Riskometer app and self-rehabilitation videos have been developed by New Zealand Stroke Education (charitable) Trust (NZSET) and AUT Ventures (AUTV) Ltd in collaboration with the National Institute of Stroke and Applied Neurosciences (NISAN), Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Stroke Riskometer app is intended solely to provide estimated stroke risk based on the information provided by the user using the published and validated Stroke Riskometer algorithm and well-being advice based on stroke prevention guidelines (see reference). Stroke self-rehabilitation videos are intended to use by health professionals, people with stroke and their family members (caregivers) for improving recovery and reducing the chance of complications post-stroke. The information provided in Stroke Riskometer app and self-rehabilitation videos is not intended as a substitute for professional health advice. No person should rely solely on such information or results; consult a medical professional if concerned about your stroke risk or rehabilitation.

Your use of the Stroke Risk Calculator self-rehabilitation videos is at your own risk. While we have used reasonable endeavours to ensure accurate and updated information, there can still be errors. We cannot guarantee that stroke risk or recommendations (including rehabilitation information) obtained will be 100% reliable or be a substitute for other methods. Several factors may impact the risk or rehabilitation of someone having a stroke, and the risk calculator and rehabilitation procedures on the videos identify the most common factors/situations. However, as everyone is different, we cannot anticipate or foresee every risk factor/rehabilitation that might apply to a particular individual. Therefore, no person should rely solely on such information or results. If concerned about your stroke risk or recovery/rehabilitation, consult a medical professional.

Without limiting any of the above, no warranties are given in relation to the Stroke Riskometer app and self-rehabilitation videos, either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties relating to quality, fitness for any particular purpose or ability to achieve a particular result. NZSET will have no liability to any person arising out of any claim by any person that the Stroke Riskometer app or self-rehabilitation videos, or any information obtained from the mobile app or videos, is inaccurate, inadequate, incomplete, out of date, inaccessible, or unsuitable; or that the use of the Stroke Riskometer app or self-rehabilitation videos has caused, or failed to prevent, harm to any person, even where such claim arises as a result of the negligence of Stroke Riskometer app, self-rehabilitation videos or NZSET. None of the exclusions or limitations set out in this document will limit or exclude any form of liability where such liability cannot be so limited or excluded under applicable law. This agreement will be subject to and interpreted in accordance with New Zealand laws and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand.

We do not use or collect any personal data. Stroke Riskometer app uses anonymised data only. The data you enter into the app will only be stored anonymously to facilitate repeat assessments.

New paradigm for primary prevention strategy in people with elevated risk of stroke
Stroke Riskometer™ app: validation of a data collection tool and stroke risk predictor
Cross-cultural validation of the Stroke Riskometer using generalizability theory
AHA guideline for the prevention of stroke in patients with stroke and transit ischemic attack
2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines
Guidelines for the primary prevention of stroke: A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association
Determining the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a stroke instructional and educational DVD in a multinational context: a randomized controlled pilot study
How to cope with stroke, by those who do
Stroke education successfully goes DVD